Everything you need for a long, happy flying career: Keep learning and do lots of flying.



Pilot safety is no accident--continuing education, awareness, and intention all play a part. Be a Focused Pilot! Articles, lessons learned, and best practices. Read more

Ratings + Skills

As part of its mission, USHPA provides an organizational framework for pilot training and certification. Read more

Advanced Certifications

Ready to take your free flight career to the next level? Find or become an instructor, observer, or administrator. Read more


Flight Operations

What you need to know flying in the U.S. Read more

Flying Sites

Where to fly in the U.S. Read more

Regional Chapters

Chapters are member-controlled organizations approved by the USHPA. They are autonomous, self-governing, financially independent groups of flying enthusiasts, affiliated with the USHPA, who want to share their flying experiences with others. Find friends to fly with! Read more


Events, results, and more. Read more


One of the great advantages of hang gliding, paragliding, and speedflying is the ability to fold or pack up a glider and hop on a flight to anywhere in the world. Just as surfers have circled the globe chasing perfect waves, so too have free flying pilots traveled far and wide in search of friendly skies and adventurous out-landings. Read more

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