
Our members generously share information about our sport and how to fly more safely and always having fun. Read all about it!

Many of these articles have been published in USHPA's magazine over the years.

Magazine Excerpts

Hang Gliding Articles

Paragliding Articles

General Articles

All articles (uncategorized)

  • Flying the Crowded Skies 

    Having a whole mountain to soar over by yourself can be a glorious solitary experience. Most of us prefer having at least a couple of flying mates up there with us. At the other extreme, some competition pilots actually love flying in a dense gaggle
  • Luck, Longevity and the Limits of Skill 

    Some twenty five years ago, I was fresh out of school, flying F-9s in Texas at the end of the Navy's pilot training program and, like every other junior birdman in residence, had convinced myself that I was the Ace of the Base.
  • Rigid Wing Guidelines 

    These guidelines are offered to pilots intending to fly rigid wings (Class 2) hang gliders either with no previous hang gliding experience or with previous flex-wing (Class 1) experience. We refer to the case with previous flex-wing experience as ...
  • Awakenings 

    To me, the sport of foot launch flying is a sport of continual awakening. The first time my feet left the ground I was awakened. The first time I flew with a wake of buzzards, the first time I shared the thermal with an eagle, the first time a haw...
  • Being Prepared 

    You're flying your favorite site with your friends and everybody is slowly sinking out, flying close to the trees and trying to scratch for every little bit of lift available. Suddenly you fly into some strong lift and start turning tighter and ti...

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