Governance Proposal Voting Timeline (Initial Vote)

Key dates for the governance proposal vote occurring January - February, 2019. A re-vote will be held April 17 - May 16, 2019.

Important: Governance Proposal Re-Vote

After finding that the ballot for the governance proposal vote missed two small but key legal requirements, USHPA will be holding a re-vote. This page shows the timeline for the initial vote for reference purposes, but this timeline does not apply to the proposal re-vote. Please see the updated voting timeline for the re-vote, or the main governance proposal page for more information on the proposal.

A proposal to restructure USHPA's board of directors (referred to as the "governance proposal") will be up for a full membership vote between January 7, 2019 and February 21, 2019.

Under the proposed new structure, the board size would be reduced from 26 regionally elected directors to 10 nationally elected directors, and the current 12 regions would be reduced to 5. The proposal also includes diversity criteria designed to ensure that, as much as possible, all regions, wing types, genders, and age groups would be represented on the smaller board.

To download the full proposal and proposed bylaws, read arguments for and against, and see other information, please visit the main governance proposal page. If you have any difficulty downloading documents or any other questions, please contact the USHPA office.

Both electronic and paper ballots will be accepted to facilitate participation by as many members as possible. All current members (as of December 31, 2018) will receive a postcard and/or an email with voting information in January. While members are encouraged to vote online, they are welcome to call the number on their postcard to receive a paper ballot if preferred.

Voting Timeline

12/31/2018 (Monday) – Date of record for eligible members to vote with list generated and sent to election service / Paper ballots and envelopes finalized for printing to provide on demand

1/7/2019 (Monday) – Election opens with emails sent to vote and postcards mailed (If you were a member as of 12/31/2018 but did not receive an email to vote, please contact the USHPA office)

1/15/2019 (Tuesday) – Magazines delivered with reminder to vote on governance proposal

1/21/2019 (Monday) – Reminder email & social media to vote

2/4/2019 (Monday) – Reminder email & social media to vote

2/14/2018 (Thursday) – Reminder email & social media to vote before election closes the following week

2/19/2019 (Tuesday) – Final reminder on election

2/21/2019 (Thursday) – Election closes at 5 pm MST (all mail-in ballots must be received--not postmarked--at the USHPA office by close of business on this date) / Preliminary results provided

2/22/2019 (Friday) – Ballots (unopened) sent UPS to election service

2/25/2019 (Monday) – Ballots delivered to election service

2/27/2019 (Wednesday) – Final election results certified and delivered to USHPA

2/28/2019 (Thursday) – Membership notified of results

3/9/2019 (Saturday) – Board elects new board members, if proposal passes

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