Governance Proposal Results (Initial Vote)

The proposal to reduce the size of the USHPA board of directors passed with 58% of members in favor and 42% against. Important: Due to an error on the ballot, USHPA will be holding a re-vote.

Important: Governance Proposal Re-Vote

After finding that the ballot for the governance proposal vote missed two small but key legal requirements, USHPA will be holding a re-vote. This page shows the results of the initial vote for reference purposes, but these results do not apply to the final outcome of the proposal (the second vote). Please see the main governance proposal page for updated information on the upcoming re-vote.

The governance proposal to restructure the USHPA board of directors was voted on by the membership between January 7 and February 21, 2019.

The final vote was FOR the proposal at 1623 votes (58%) in favor to 1176 votes (42%) against. Detailed results on the membership vote from the independent election service are available here. The following graph shows the breakdown by region:

In total, 32% of members voted, and we appreciate everyone taking the time to share their opinion.

Overview of the Proposal

Key points of the proposal include:

  • Reduced board size: from 26 to 10 directors, with national rather than regional elections
  • Fewer regions: from 12 to 5
  • Diversity algorithm: added after member feedback last summer revealed concerns that a smaller board could be all from one region or all one wing type. The algorithm would ensure that, as much as possible, all members would be represented on the smaller board (region, wing type, age, gender)

For more information and to read the full proposal and bylaws, please see the governance proposal page.

What Happens Next?

While change can be difficult, we're confident in our members' decision that a smaller governing body will be more efficient and effective, better represent all of our members, and have a greater ability to try new initiatives to grow our sports and support all of our instructors, chapters, and pilots.

Because the membership voted to pass the proposal, USHPA's board size will be reduced at the end of the Spring board meeting in about 2 weeks. This process will follow the transitional board plan laid out in USHPA's Bylaws as accepted by the membership vote. The existing officers will carry forward to the new board. Board members interested in remaining on the board will be nominated (or self-nominated), then voted on by the rest of the board. The diversity algorithm will then be applied to determine the result of this vote in order to ensure that all regions, wing types, genders, and ages possible are represented on the transitional board. In Fall 2019, an election will be held to begin replacing the transitional board to proceed to the new governance process.

Note that all Regional Directors from regions that did not approve the bylaw amendment (i.e., voted against the proposal) will remain on the transitional board for the duration of their elected terms, with the result that the transitional board may be larger than 10 members. Since they will be carry over directors, they will not be eligible for the election taking place at the Spring meeting. These directors are as follows (their terms will end on 12/31 of the year noted in parentheses, after which they may run for re-election):

  • Region 9 (DC, DE, KY, MD, OH, PA, VA, WV)
    • Daniel Lukaszewicz (2020)
    • Larry Dennis (2019)
  • Region 10 (AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VI, PR)
    • Steve Kroop (2020)
    • Matt Taber (2019)
    • Bruce Weaver (2019)
  • Region 11 (LA, TX)
    • Tiki Mashy (2019)
  • Region 12 (NJ, NY)
    • Paul Voight (2020)

Thank You to USHPA's Volunteers

We would like to thank James Bradley and the rest of the volunteers who identified an issue they wanted to change, then spent countless hours writing, revising, discussing, and promoting the proposal. USHPA relies on dedicated volunteers for much of the work that we do, and we sincerely appreciate their efforts to further the organization.

We know that this was a much-debated issue. If you are dissatisfied with the result of the vote, or with other areas within USHPA--volunteer! The governance proposal is a perfect example that volunteers can, and do, have a huge impact on our organization and our sport. We're always open to working with members to improve the organization for everyone. If you're interested in collaborating with us, please let us know through email or by filling out our volunteer form. You are also welcome to attend our Spring board meeting in Golden, CO from March 7-9, 2019 and to give us feedback there.

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