Topic: Training Topics

Thermals Part Two: Thermals and Clouds

First, this article focuses on dealing with our best visible thermal indicators, clouds. There are dozens of books written on lapse rates, instability and the like, so the ideas presented here are more field rules for flying clouds and other sky-b... Read more

Thermals Part Three: Thermalling Technique

My favorite part of flying is undoubtedly thermalling; in fact, thermalling may be my favorite thing to do in life. There's nothing like hooking a sharp-edged, positive ripper of a thermal and riding it upward for a couple of miles. My least favor... Read more

Thermals Part One: Collectors, Wicks and Triggers

The crux of cross-country flying often lies in correctly answering the question, "Where's the next thermal?" If you could answer that question correctly even 90 percent of the time then life would be very, very good. Read more

How YOU Can Open a Flight School

One of the factors that seems to have stymied the growth of foot launch flight is a lack of instructors and schools in the majority of the country. My aim in this article is to discuss how relatively easy it can be to set up and operate a flight s... Read more

The Mental Preflight Check

Practical tips for novice pilots Read more

Thermaling in Mixed Company

How to thermal cooperatively, efficiently, and safely with pilots of all wing types Read more

Cooperative to the Core: A Yearling's Guide to Thermal Traffic

Tips for maximizing lift and thermaling successfully with other pilots Read more

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