Topic: Learning to Fly

Steps to become a pilot

The journey to becoming a safe and accomplished pilot is an individual one. There are many twists and turns along the way and no two pilots follow exactly the same path. But there are some typical steps new pilots progress through that help build ... Read more

How to choose an instructor

If you’ve read past the title of this article, then quite possibly you’re either considering getting into the sport of hang gliding or paragliding, have recently entered the sport or are looking to gain advanced knowledge in hang gliding. Read more

Continuing Education

Now that you have your Novice rating here are various ways to continue your free flight education. Read more

Advanced Certifications

Find--or become--an instructor, observer, examiner, or administrator. Read more

Thermaling in Mixed Company

How to thermal cooperatively, efficiently, and safely with pilots of all wing types Read more

Thermal Behavior

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Five Flight Parks: Major Players in Hang Gliding's Beginnings and Future

An overview of five main hang glider flight parks Read more

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