Instructor Revocations

A listing of revoked instructor certifications
Member Effective Date Certification Status
Hadi Golian
2023-04-11 PG Advanced Instructor 30 day temporary revocation (by instructor administrator)
Zion Susanno-Loddby
2023-03-14 PG Advanced Instructor
PG Tandem Instructor
Revocation by the issuing official
Jordan Neidinger
PG Advanced Instructor
PG Tandem Instructor
30 day temporary revocation (by director)
Marcello DeBarros
PG Basic Instructor
PG Advanced Instructor
PG Tandem Instructor
30 day temporary revocation (by director)
Daniel Randall
2019-08-02 PG Basic Instructor
PG Tandem Instructor
Revocation by the issuing official
Michael Jefferson
2019-08-02 Membership Membership denied
Scott Stabbert
2019-07-08 PG Tandem Instructor 30 day temporary revocation (by regional director)
No reinstatement - voluntarily withdrawn by pilot
Yuen Wai Kit
2018-10-30 PG Advanced Instructor
PG Tandem Instructor
Permanent revocation (by controlling committees)
Aug 2019: Revocation overturned with conditions on secondary appeal.
Peter Humes
2018-10-11 PG Basic Instructor
PG Advanced Instructor
PG Tandem Instructor
Permanent revocation (by controlling committees)
Peter Humes
2018-09-13 PG Advanced Instructor
PG Tandem Instructor
30 day temporary revocation (by controlling committees)
David Hanning
2018-03-08 PG Advanced Instructor
PG Tandem Instructor
Permanent revocation (by issuing official) 
October 2022: Certifications reinstated
Granger Banks
2017-12-26 PG Advanced Instructor
PG Tandem Instructor
Permanent revocation (by regional director)
Mike Jefferson
 2017-09-14 HG Basic Instructor
HG Advanced Instructor
Revocation by the issuing official
HG Tandem Instructor Permanent revocation (by regional director)
Bob Hannah
2017-09-08 PG Tandem Instructor
PG Advanced Instructor
Permanent revocation (by a tandem administrator, regional director)
Randell Raymundo
2017-03-20 PG Tandem Instructor Revocation by the issuing official
Richard Palmon
2016-09-26 HG Advanced Instructor Conditional revocation
(1 year)
Daniel Ribas
2015-12-23 PG Advanced Instructor
PG Tandem Instructor
Conditional revocation
(2 years)
Ka Sing (Johnny) Yu
2015-04-28 PG Basic Instructor Revocation by the issuing official
Mitch Bogden
2015-04-08 PG Tandem Instructor Revocation by the issuing official
Claude Fiset
2012-08-14 Membership Membership denied
Joachim Hagemann
2012-08-14 Membership Membership denied
Dell Schanze
2012-06-12 Membership Membership denied

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