Call for Nominations: NAA and FAI Awards

Upcoming deadlines for NAA and FAI award nominations: March 31 and April 30

NAA Award

Katherine Wright Trophy 
Named in honor of Orville and Wilbur Wright's sister, Katharine, who not only provided financial support to her brothers' endeavors, but also emotional and public support to her brothers as well.

The trophy was established in 1981 by the Gates Learjet Corporation and "... is made annually to an individual who has contributed to the success of others, or made a personal contribution to the advancement of the art, sport and science of aviation and space flight over an extended period of time."

Nomination Deadline: March 31 

FAI Awards

FAI Awards
The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) awards dozens of medals and diplomas annually to recognize accomplishments in the air, especially in the field of sporting aviation. They are international awards given by FAI, the world air sports federation founded in 1905 by the Aero Club of America (NAA) and other original Aero Clubs. FAI is a non-governmental and non-profit making international organization with the basic aim of furthering aeronautical and astronautical activities worldwide.

NAA works to identify worthy candidates and generate nominations for the following FAI Awards: Gold Air Medal, Gold Space Medal, Sabiha Gökçen Medal, Silver Medal, Breitling Milestone Trophy, Breitling Youngster Award, Diploma for Outstanding Airmanship, Paul Tissandier Diploma, Honorary Group Diploma, and the Angelo d'Arrigo Diploma.

Nomination Deadline: April 30

How to nominate someone for an NAA or FAI award

If you would like to nominate someone for an NAA or FAI award, please contact the Awards committee chair. More information is also available about the FAI awards on this website.

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