FAI Award Nominations

In addition to USHPA awards, members are also eligible for FAI awards.

FAI CIVLFor more information about the awards issued by the FAI or by USHPA contact the Awards Committee Chair. Please use the online Award nomation form, if possible, or forward all nominations and supporting materials to the USHPA office: USHPA PO Box 1330, Colorado Springs, CO 80901-1330 or [email protected].

From the FAI policies and procedures:

(Subject to approval by the FAI Hang-Gliding and Paragliding Commission)

THE PEPE LOPES MEDAL - This medal was established in February, 1993 in memory of Pedro Paulo "Pepe" Lopes of Brazil who was the World Hang Gliding Champion in 1981. His energy and good humour played a big part in developing Brazil as an important centre for international competitions. He died during a hang gliding competition in Japan in 1991. The provision of the medals will be arranged by the FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission. The medal may be awarded for outstanding contributions to sportsmanship or international understanding in the sport of hang gliding and paragliding. The medal will only be awarded for truly significant acts or services and will not necessarily be awarded every year. Only one Medal shall be awarded each year. Procedures shall be as described in Chapter 10 of the FAI Bylaws.

THE FAI HANG GLIDING DIPLOMA - This Diploma was established by the FAI in 1979. It may be awarded to an individual who is considered to have made an outstanding contribution to the development of hang gliding by his or her initiative, work or leadership in flight achievement. Only one Diploma shall be awarded each year. Nomination and Approval. Procedures shall be as described in Chapter 10 of the FAI Bylaws.

FAI Bylaws Chapter 10


10.1. The following general principles shall govern the award of FAI Medals and Diplomas.
10.1.1. Purpose. The purpose of FAI medals and diplomas is to give public recognition to those who have made outstanding contribution to aeronautics and astronautics, especially in the field of sporting aviation.
10.1.2. Eligibility. Any person is eligible to receive a FAI award. Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in these By-Laws, a recipient need not have had any previous connection with FAI. Medals and Diplomas may be awarded posthumously. In such cases, they shall be presented by the FAI to the FAI Member in the recipient's country. That FAI Member shall have the right to decide whether to retain the award or present it to the next-of-kin. Except when specifically authorised in these By-Laws, no Medal or Diploma, other than De La Vaulx and Blériot Medals, may be awarded to the same individual more than once.
10.1.3. Nominations for Awards. Subject to the specific procedures set out elsewhere in these By-Laws, nominations for FAI Medals and Diplomas may be made by :
- FAI Members,
- FAI Executive Board,
- FAI Commissions,
- FAI President,
- FAI Secretary General. In any given year, a FAI Member may propose only one candidate for each FAI Award, except when expressly stated otherwise. The nomination of a candidate for an FAI award, whatever its origin, must be supported in writing by an authorised officer (President or Secretary General) of the FAI Member in the nominee's country. Nominations for all FAI awards shall be sent to the FAI Secretariat together with citations not exceeding 100 words, and other supporting information required in these By-Laws, to arrive no later than two months before the FAI Commission meeting concerned (by 15 November each year for CIAM Medals and Diplomas) or four months before the General Conference in the case of the General Awards shown in Chapter 11. The FAI Secretariat shall submit to the appropriate Commissions for consideration all nominations for awards listed in Chapter 12. Except where otherwise specified, the FAI Secretariat shall submit to the FAI Vice Presidents for consideration all nominations for awards listed in Chapter 11.
10.1.4. Recommendation and Approval Procedures. When considering nominations for Medals and Diplomas, Commissions shall adopt the two-stage procedure described below. Before the procedure begins, any delegate present who is a candidate for the award in question shall be asked to leave the room for the duration of the discussion and voting. Any such person shall be deemed to have voted for himself. A vote shall first be taken on whether or not to approve or recommend the award of the Medal or Diploma concerned in the year in question. This vote shall be open unless any Delegate requires a secret ballot. If the result of the vote in is positive, and if more than one nominee is under consideration, a secret ballot shall be held to determine the recipient of the award, following full discussion in closed session, with no written or taped record of the proceedings. FAI Vice Presidents will be invited to decide on nominations for awards listed in Chapter 11 by email voting. Detailed rules for the voting procedures will be decided by the FAI Executive Board. Unless otherwise specified, all results shall be determined by a simple majority. No proxy voting shall be accepted.
10.1.5. Exemptions from Approval. No Commission or Vice Presidential approval is necessary for medals awarded automatically to holders of new World Records, nor for the Air Sport Medal.
10.1.6. Presentation of Awards. Except where otherwise indicated, Medals and Diplomas shall be presented to recipients during the Opening Ceremony of the General Conference, in accordance with protocol established by the FAI President, the FAI Secretary General and the organizing Member. Names of recipients and citations shall be published by the FAI Secretariat prior to the Conference and distributed to the Press at the
Conference. Medals and diplomas for recipients not present at the opening ceremony shall become the responsibility of the delegation from the FAI Member concerned, who should arrange a suitable occasion for presentation.
10.1.7. Modification of Policy for Awards. If any changes are to be made to the rules for FAI Awards described in Chapters 10-12 of these By-Laws, these must be approved by the appropriate Commission and the FAI General Conference and promulgated to all FAI Members by 31st of December of the year preceding their entry into effect.

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