What Is HGMA Certification?

HGMA Certification refers to the granting, by the HGMA Certification Committee, of a “Certificate of Compliance” to a specific hang glider model (in a specific size) on the basis of an application submitted by a member manufacturer for that model.

The Certificate of Compliance reads:

“The <<hang glider model and size>>   manufactured by << member manufacturer >>    has, by declaration of the manufacturer, been found to comply with H.G.M.A. Part 1: Airworthiness Standards, Utility Ultralight Gliders. A record of compliance has been received by the H.G.M.A. Certification Committee and found to be complete and in accordance with the recommendations specified in H.G.M.A. Standards Part 1.”

The “record of compliance” referred to in the above wording is a documentation package, including written documentation and video, which contains the design and construction details of the glider in question, and documentation of the testing required in the HGMA standards to demonstrate that the glider complies with those standards.


Contact: HGMA President

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