Tiki Mashy
Director 06
2021 - 2022 | Contact
I moved to Los Angeles in September 1980 and immediately took up hang gliding at Dockweiler Beach and I've been flying ever since. Along the way I somehow managed to picked up my Master's Ratings and two FAI world HG distance records in 1998. In 1999, after 18 years as a Paralegal in Los Angeles & Florida I jettisoned that life to work for Malcolm at Wallaby Ranch as an instructor/tug pilot/ranch hand, etc. Best move I ever made. Thanks Malcolm. Life was good, really good. For 3-1/2 years I was flying, tugging, instructing, USHGA Regional Director for a while, getting USHGA appointments and best of all the world of HG was coming to my doorstep. Then in 2003, with Malcolm's blessing, Bart and I moved west and formed Cowboy Up Hang Gliding in Jackson, Wyoming. Wooo another good move - flying, tugging, instructing, business was great. I cranked out my FAA Private Pilot's License in Airplanes (SEL) and a FAA Private Pilot's License in Weight Shift Control - (WSC) aka Trikes. Whew...going up!! So in 2013 we expanded Cowboy Up to Houston, Texas, where Life turned from good to great . . .and the beat goes on . . .

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