Stephan Mentler
Director 07
2023 - 2024 | Contact
I began flying hang gliders in 2004. Hang gliding had been something that I had always wanted to do; however, I did not find the opportunity to learn until I moved to Portsmouth Virginia. I very quickly learned that one of the biggest hang-gliding schools in the country, Kitty Hawk Kites (KHK) was relatively close. I signed up for lessons and the rest is history. I have since tried paragliding – taking some initial lessons while on vacation in Portugal. And though, I still prefer the range of performance in hang-gliders, I plan to learn to paraglide and get my ratings. I have a diverse background in several professions within the private and public sectors. This includes police officer, market maker on the trading desk of an equity firm, classification officer, entrepreneur, and soldier. Currently, I work as a consultant, take classes for an MBA, and I am full-time parent (we are a Navy family). I hope to bring my experience to bear in working toward expanding the reach of our sport.

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