Matthew Taber
Director 09
2021 - 2022 | Contact
Matt has been a USHPA Regional Director for over ten years. He feels that he has been, and is an asset, to the organization. "I still positively contribute and work to improve USHPA and help to improve its viability for the future. March 2010 marked my 30th year running Lookout Mountain Flight Park and my 33rd year as a hang gliding instructor." "The tough part is accurately prioritizing what will benefit the pilots and the organization the most while working within our limited budget and small work force. I have the same tough decisions in my own business. I have over a decade of volunteer service as a director and I am one of the few directors who is in the same or similar business as the USHPA. I am accessible to region 10 pilots and will continue to work with the organization for the pilots and organization. Thanks to all for the continued support."

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