Here is more introductory text for your page.

Here is a Major Section Heading - Heading 1

Heading 1 style is good if not a ton of sections/subsections in the document).

A New Section - Heading 2 has an underline

Some copy. Lots of text can go in here. In the old site this was H3.

After a while you might want another break.

MISSING Heading 2.5 with no underline

Heading 2.5 style is good if not a ton of sections/subsections in the document). Same size as one with underline, but with no underline (nee H4)

Another Section - Heading 3

And more text.

Little Section - Heading 4

This is good for lists and things.

What is Heading 5 for?

I don't know - these aren't my styles. Sigh.

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