Topic: Hang Gliding

Safe hang gliding launches REDUX

Several months ago we ran an article on safe hang gliding launch technique. Did it affect anything? Who knows? But at the recent Tennessee Tree Toppers Team Challenge at Hensen’s Gap, near Chattanooga, we conducted a launch seminar that had everyone Read more

Otto Lilienthal's First Film

Johannes Hogebrink creates an amazing animation of Otto Lilienthal's historical flights using original photographs. Read more

KQED: Father of Hang Gliding Remembered

Interview with Bruce Weaver of Kitty Hawk Kites about Francis Rogallo on All Things Considered in September 7, 2009. Read more

Buying a Used Hang Glider

You've been on the hill for a few days now and this hang gliding stuff is starting to look like a something that could turn into a hobby. You're definitely going to have to give it some serious thought. One of the most important folks have to cons... Read more

Fly Like a Girl

Meet the community of female pilots at Dog Mountain in Washington--some of whom have been hang gliding at the site for over 30 years! Read more

The Otto Lilienthal Glider

Building and safely flying a replica Otto Lilienthal Glider Read more

2019 Hang Gliding Accident Summary

2019 hang gliding accident summary Read more

Five Flight Parks: Major Players in Hang Gliding's Beginnings and Future

An overview of five main hang glider flight parks Read more

Competition Flying: It's Like an Extra Credit Course in Your Favorite Field of Study

10 pilots reflect on their experiences competing in the 2018 US Nationals at Quest Air in Florida Read more

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