USHPA Preflight Safety

USHPA has produced two apps for Preflight Safety - for Hang Gliding and Paragliding. Now available for iPad or as interactive PDFs.

iPad Apps

USHPA has produced two iPad apps for Preflight Safety. Download them from iTunes:

Interactive PDFs

If you do not have an iPad, you can view the content as an interactive PDF. The interactive features may only be available using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader. Choose either "Landscape" (wide) or "Portrait" (tall) according to your preference. NOTE: The PDFs are extremely large (video and high resolution photos) - they will require some time to download.


Both versions are available via our FTP site. Go to Preflight Safety PDFs folder and select either:

  • ParaglidingPreflightSafety-L.pdf - Landscape PDF (773 MB)
  • ParaglidingPreflightSafety-P.pdf - Portrait PDF (773 MB)

Hang Gliding

Preflight Safety for Hang Gliding - PDF

Video Only



Hang Gliding


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