USHPA Commission Program

A new initiative to support new pilots and instructors and grow our sports

USHPA is excited to announce a new initiative aimed at growing our membership and our sports. The USHPA Commission Program is designed to reward instructors and schools for each student they bring into the association as a full pilot member.

This joint venture between PASA, Recreation RRG, and USHPA is the first program targeted at increasing annual memberships to support USHPA’s mission of ensuring the future of free flight. We’re excited to support new pilots from the beginning of their free flight career and to give back to the instructors helping them get into the air. Recreation RRG will also be crediting a portion of future insurance premiums for each new USHPA member.

The program began on January 1, 2020, and issues PASA-certified schools $20 for each new pilot member that they bring into the association. Over the course of 2020, the program issued 217 commissions for $4,340.

The first year of the program was intended to be a trial period. As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, however, the trial has been extended until the end of 2021. At that time, the program will be evaluated to determine its sustainability as well as the potential to expand to other schools.

Image title The commission program was initially approved at USHPA’s July board of directors meeting, with details worked out over subsequent meetings. By increasing the number of USHPA members, promoting the value of a full membership, and supporting our instructors and schools, we expect the program to substantially benefit the future of hang gliding and paragliding.

To take advantage of the program, instructors should remind students to enter their school's name on the USHPA application when they apply for a new membership. That's all there is to it!

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