Northern California Pilot Forum 2018 video gallery

Presentations on free flight topics from pilots, instructors, and manufacturers
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The Northern California Pilot Forum, held on November 3, 2018 in Sunnyvale, brought together about 100 hang glider and paraglider pilots for an evening focused on free flight. Speakers included Mike Meier, Bob Posey, Russ Ogden, Wayne Michelsen, Michael Vergalla, Jugdeep Aggarwal, Evan Cohen, and Gabriel Jebb. They discussed topics from safety and decision making, to paragliding design, to effectively using flight instruments, and much more.

The following speakers have given us permission to post their presentations. Unfortunately, there was an error recording audio for Russ Ogden's presentation, so that video is not available.

Thank you to Jugdeep Aggarwal for organizing the forum and to all the speakers. Enjoy the videos and please join us for future similar events!

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